Saturday, October 23, 2010

What did you do this weekend?

This weekend I went for a 90 min bike ride around Abu Dhabi. I always wear a helmet and ride on sidewalks to be safe. I waited till it got cooler at night because its still a little hot during the day, I thought it was cooling down? I also did some swimming this weekend which was a good way to cool off.

I already got some messages from parents whose child is in KG1B! They have been doing a great job listening lately and controlling their bodies. Not only did they get to go in the big gym for the first time last week but they will get to play with the scooters this week for having so many of them comment on the blog. Which class will be next? 

I asked KG2 C today what they did this weekend here were some of their activities: Basketball, swimming, and walking.

If there anymore of you out there who were moving and grooving leave me a comment and let me know!  


  1. hassan (KG1/B) n his class mates got movement n music today,they had scooter rides n played outside. hassan enjoyed so much n was happy to narrate his scooter ride tale at home

  2. I am so glad Hassan told you about the scooters! I had so much fun seeing them ride on the scooters, I took some pictures and video that I hope to put on the site this week! Thanks for leaving a comment!
