Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Working together with the Parachute

The week before Eid break the Pre k and KG2 classes got to use the parachute. The first day I took out the parachute I realized it was for a group of 40 students. Way too big for just one KG2 class. So Ms. Jen and I combined a few of our classes so that everyone could benefit and and have with the parachute.

With the parachute the older kids were being good examples of how to behave and play in Physical Education but also helping our smaller friends lift up the parachute and play fun games. Many of the games that we played we had to work together and cooperate or everyone would have failed. One of the games that was really fun was climbing the mountain. Everyone had to lift the parachute up high then bring it down low and step on it to form a mountain. If just one person didn't cooperate the mountain wouldn't have worked.

Thanks so much to Grade 1 and 4 for helping and being great examples for the KG2 and Pre K be able to play with the parachute.